From Director
Welcome to the Center for Applied Research in Medical Devices. We invite you to learn more about us.
The inspiration for CareMed originated in early 2004 when the Florida Medical Manufacturers’ Consortium began to collaborate with the USF College of Engineering and encouraged to develop an exclusive curriculum at USF specifically designed to better prepare the MDE industry workforce for the heavily government-regulated environment in which the industry exists. The initial meeting led to further discussions and the eventual creation of not only the Regulatory Affairs Graduate Certificate Program (with a medical device concentration), which is currently in its fifth semester of offering courses at USF but also Center for Applied Research in Medical Devices.
Establishing an industry center like CareMed that will promote research focused on the MDE industry is important for two reasons. First, the products developed by the industry are ubiquitous and have an oftentimes dramatic impact on the quality of life for hundreds of millions of people. Involvement with the MDE industry occurs at every stage of life—from our first breath to our last breath, from equipment used to monitor patients during pre-natal care to equipment used to monitor patients during hospice care.
Second, the MDE industry possesses many characteristics that make it particularly interesting to academicians and practitioners in numerous disciplines. Among the features of interest to scholars are the following: 1) the industry resides in a highly regulated environment, 2) the industry is significantly impacted by public policy and globalization, and 3) the industry possesses an extremely complex value chain that relies on the collaboration of public, private, and government institutions.